MAP-201 Medical Anatomy & Physiology
Medical Anatomy & Physiology
Course Length: Lecture – 40 clock hours; Laboratory – 40 clock hours; Course Total – 80 clock hours
Mode of Delivery: hybrid/face-to-face/DE
Course Objectives: This course is designed for students to learn the structure and function of human anatomy, including the integumentary, musculoskeletal, digestive systems, including the neuroendocrine, urinary, reproductive, respiratory, and Circulatory systems.
MAA-300 Asepsis/Infection Control/Vital Signs
This course introduces students to patient- centered assessment, examination, intervention, and treatment as directed by the physician including infection control procedures. Autoclaving and spore testing will be included. Additionally, students will gain proficiency in medical asepsis and will learn to take vital signs. (Lec 40 clock hrs/Lab 40 clock hrs)