_MTY - Medical Terminology
In this course, the student will get familiar with medical terms, including prefixes, root words, and suffixes. Students will study the provider and medical abbreviations as well as diseases and treatment methodologies. This course will emphasize studying the following body systems: urinary, integumentary, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, nervous, endocrine, eyes, ears, nose and throat.
_MAP - Medical Anatomy & Physiology
This course is designed for students to learn the structure and function of human anatomy, including the integumentary, musculoskeletal, digestive systems, including the neuroendocrine, urinary, reproductive, respiratory, and Circulatory systems.
MPE-Phlebotomy, Cardiology, Pulmonary, Microbiology, Immune Systems, and ECG Procedures
This course introduces students to the study of the theories and practices related to the common diagnostic/clinical procedures and special lab tests involving cardiology and pulmonary patients.
Additional emphasis will be placed on blood borne pathogens, hematology, and electrocardiograms. Students will study blood borne pathogens, hematology, and learn to give electrocardiograms as well as collect blood samples using hypodermic needles and body fluids from patients for laboratory testing. Students will study the Circulatory system and practice safety-conscious, blood-drawing techniques. (Lec40 clock hrs/lab 40 hrs/ Ext 00 hrs).
MAO-102 Medical Office Operation
Basic functions such as office operations, insurance paper checking and medical billing are taught first. Student will also learn impact of health insurance on today's economy. We will also cover the different departments within an insurance company and operations. This phase will also give the student the opportunity to understand the importance of legal issues that affect the medical biller and health claims examiner. Students will be taught fundamentals of health information technology to provide them with the importance of written communication skills, accounts receivable management, supportive documentation, and customer service. Particularly, students will be taught the laws concerning medical record keeping, documentation guidelines and release. Federal Business Trade Act to prevent identity theft will also be covered. (lec 40 clock hrs/ lab20 hrs)
MAL-302 Medical Law and Ethics_
This course introduces students to the principles, procedures, and regulations involved in legal and ethical relationships among physicians, patients, and assistants. The course includes HIPPA law interpretation and applications. Emphasis is placed on the legal aspects of office procedures, current ethical issues, and risk management as they relate to the practice and fiduciary responsibilities. Upon completion of the subject students will be able to: 1) discuss what and to whom information about a patient may be released; 2) discuss the medical assistant's ethical obligations and restrictions; 3) explain the importance of a contract to a health care facility; and 4) list the six components of informed consent. (Lec 40 clock hrs/lab 20hrs)
Coding For Medical Procedures _MIC103_
This course is designed to provide the student with the understanding and practical skills necessary to abstract relevant information from the medical records for completing the CMS-1500 claim form, as well as completely expediting the logins and processing of different types of medical forms. Students will study general guidelines for completing forms for different carriers to include: Medicare, Medicaid, and Workers' Comp. This course will teach the student the knowledge necessary to optimize payment in a timely and cost efficient manner. The students will study the difference between clean, pending, rejected, incomplete and invalid claims and describe the reasons why claims were rejected. This course will also provide the student with the necessary skills to understand and complete the UB-92claim form and to know when it may or may not minimize their chances of rejection by insurance carriers. ( lec 40 clock hrs/ lab40 hr/Ext 00 hrs).
MAC-104 Dealing with Health Claim Forms
Student will have the understanding and practical skills necessary to abstract relevant information from the medical records for completing the CMS-1500 claim form, as well as completely expediting the logins and processing of different types of medical forms. Students will study general guidelines for completing forms for different carriers to include: Medicare, Medicaid, and Workers' Compensation. This course will teach the student the knowledge necessary to optimize payment in a timely and cost efficient manner. The students will study the difference between clean, pending, rejected, incomplete and invalid claims and describe the reasons why claims were rejected. This course will also provide the student with the necessary skills to understand and complete the UB-92claim form and to know when it may or may not minimize their chances of rejection by insurance carriers. ( Lec 40 clock hrs/Lab 40 clock hr
PTT-204 - Pharmacy Drug Therapy and Treatment
Students on this topic, study about therapeutic agents, their classifications, properties, actions, and effects on the human body and their role in the management of diseases. Students will learn to provide detailed information regarding drug dosages, side effects, interactions, toxicities, and incompatibilities (Lec 20 clock hrs/ lab 40 hrs) 60 hours